Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Open letter to Liz Truss

In the light of the government’s decision to allow some forms of conversion ‘therapy’ despite acknowledging that it doesn’t work (they do not seem to acknowledge the damage that research tells us it does) we have penned an open letter to Liz Truss, which we invite you to join with us in signing if you are a therapist who cares about client work in any way. 

One cannot consent to coercion, and this act as it stands is dangerous to people both cis and trans (and those who a) don’t know or b) are neither). 

Won’t you join us to save countless people being harmed?

SCoPEd and the EDI impact assessment - a review

  Last week saw the announcement from BACP that ‘all partners’ had decided to adopt SCoPEd and would be in touch with members with regard t...